Nebraska Hash House Harriers
Code of Conduct
Our mission is to create and maintain an inclusive, safe, and respectful hash environment for all hash attendees. “We leave our muggle selves at the door.” In our creation of an AMAZING hash environment we provide resources for prevention and response. We support all walks of life and we strive to include EVERYONE who wishes to hash. We strive to maintain such an environment that all attendees can have fun and drink beer (or a beverage of choice) without fear.
By Inclusive We Mean: take into the hash ALL individuals who wish to join as respected, appreciated, and valued members.
By Hasher We Mean: anyone 21 years of age or older with a great thirst for BEER ( or a beverage of choice) COMRADARY, and EXERCISE.

We do not tolerate non-consensual interactions of any kind. We do not tolerate violence in any form where hashers assemble. This includes but is not limited to the following:
1. Non-consensual sexual conduct
2. Verbal and physical threats
3. Harassment of any kind
4. Abuse
5. Non-consensual photography and the sharing of it
6. Bullying/ slander/ rumors of any kind on any platform used by hashers to communicate
7. ANY form of violence
8. Theft or misappropriation
Consent: mutual, informed, specific, freely given, reversible, and FUCKING REQUIRED!
NO MEANS NO, the absence of NO is NOT CONSENT. Consent for another individual is not consent for all. Individuals who are SEVERELY INTOXICATED CANNOT CONSENT. If someone changes their mind RESPECT the choice made. If you aren't sure if you have consent ASK and then respect the answer given. “Consent is SEXY!”
Respect: due regard for the feelings wishes, rights, beliefs, and traditions of others.
Example: You are entitled to you opinions but recognize that your opinions may cause harm. Do not intentionally troll others. Marginalized and sensitive communities are protected in this kennel. If you are not sure keep it to yourself.
Adult: an individual that is 21 years of age or older that behaves in a responsible manner
Harassment: is aggressive pressure of intimidation, hostility, ill-treatment of another individual for ANY reason.
Results of Policy Violations:
HASHING IS A PRIVILEGE. If you violate this policy you are subject to immediate removal from the hash gathering for the day, a period of time, or permanently at the discretion of Mismanagement. If you are a safety risk to others you will be removed from and no longer welcome at the hash. This may include barring from other kennels where ever they assemble.
1.) Have your back
2.) Listen
3.) Support your choices
4.) Buddy up for trail
5.) Remove an attacker from the day/ event/ OH3 Hash
6.) Contact local law enforcement
7.) Accompany you to emergency help
1.) Religious Advisers
2.) Other Mismanagement Members
3.) Any other hasher you trust
“We are hashers through and through”